Using one or more sessions, Elite Male Massage will restore your muscles to their former glory with a personalised M2M massage. The treatment will target your injuries and strains to improve and maintain your body’s function, aid in recovery, prevent injury and reduce stress. A remedial massage involves the use of different massage techniques, including deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and joint mobilisation
Remedial Massage Rates
45 min $120
60 min $145
90 min $195
Benefits of Remedial Massage
Regular remedial massage is a great investment in your health. As with most other massage treatments, remedial massage will help improve lymphatic drainage, circulatory problems, stress related conditions, injuries and muscular aches, as well as encourage the natural healing properties of the body and mind. Remedial massage helps treat a wide variety of health disorders, such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, arthritis, high blood pressure, and chronic pain.
Take a look at some of the following health benefits a remedial massage can bring you:
Improved circulation
Improved joint mobility
Relief of pain and cramps
Reduce stress and fatigue
Aid in recovery from injury
Increase range of movement and flexibility
Improve posture
Cleans the body of toxins and waste
Promotes well being
Private Wellness Collingwood
Walk-ins are not permitted!
Trading Hours
Monday to Sunday 10:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Payment Surcharges
$25 Surcharge
Late Night Appointments that pass 8:30 PM
$40 Surcharge
Public Holidays
$40 Surcharge